Mike Morgan Says Push for Casino Gambling will Hurt North Carolina

Feb 1, 2024 | News, Press Release

RALEIGH, N.C. – Mike Morgan, Democratic candidate for Governor, said today that legislative efforts to push casino gambling will end up hurting North Carolina. 

“For me, it’s a big NO on expanding gaming, and that includes casino gambling in our state.  I do not believe that expansion of casino gambling is a sound economic development plan for our rural communities,” said Mr. Morgan, a retired associate justice of the NC Supreme Court.

“Our legislature is abdicating its leadership when they are promoting gambling as a means to generate revenue for the state budget.  I won’t let the General Assembly get away with such an ill-conceived plan when it needs to come up with a better, sustainable way to invest in rural North Carolina and its people with better, meaningful, enriching businesses and jobs,” said Mr. Morgan.

“We can do better for our rural communities than just building casinos that are heavily dependent on people having disposable income and that provide low-paying jobs,” added Mr. Morgan.

“I challenge my opponents, both Democrats and Republicans, to state their positions on expanded casino gambling in our state.  Let’s find out who favors gaming as just another way to underwrite the cost of statement government on the shoulders of the poor and disadvantaged.”

“I do not believe that expanding gaming in an effort to increase state revenues will be a sound policy for our state. I will make sure that rural North Carolina builds a strong base of desirable, well-paying jobs staffed by hard-working people who are trained and ready with 21st-century preparation based on a solid education, marketable skills, and a drive to succeed,” said Mr. Morgan.

“We need to look at policies that will focus on workforce development and infrastructure investments that can and will bring good paying jobs, economic progress, and growth opportunities to rural North Carolina,” concluded Mr. Morgan.